Exam Information

Aim and format of the exam

The GVSP is a reflective learning experience aimed at inculcating the young generation with foundational values of our human heritage, and thereby enabling them to experience harmony in body, mind and soul, and with all living beings.
Based on value-rich reading material containing moral stories and historical anecdotes from the life and work of Gandhiji;
This interactive course is designed by an Academic Council constituted of eminent Gandhian thinkers and practitioners.
The course content and material are updated annually.
Students of Middle & High Schools and Colleges (up to PG), as well as rural and small-town students are encouraged to enroll.
Special focus on Jail inmates;
‘Open for all’ program;
Participants are invited to write and reflect on what they have understood and learnt from Gandhiji’s teachings through the GVSP reading materials.
Students who attend the GVSP receive a certificate of participation and those who have shown greater understanding are given an award.
The GVSP offers multiple language options: English, Hindi, Marathi and Kannada.
Both online and conventional reading-cum-writing options are available.
The Multi-level GVSP program allows aspirants to continue their learning experience from one level to the next.
The GVSP and related programs are conducted at their respective campuses.
The GVSP is conducted all over India as well as in Japan & France.


Communication by post and courier to the institutions across the country and online communication through web and social media
Getting individuals enrolled through the collaborating Institutions
Distributing reading materials and question papers
A reflective learning-cum-writing exercise
Evaluating and certifying the participants, honoring competent performers
Organizing district level follow-up workshops and discussion forums
Refresher courses for the GVSP school/college coordinators for quality enhancement
Collecting feedback; documenting the experiences and learnings
Raising financial resources for various essential activities, such as for printing reading materials, question papers, circulars and certificates; for preparing trophies and awards; for meeting postal charges, paying an honorarium to coordinators; for organizing a follow-up program, as well as for administrative expenses, etc.